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Group Brew Bière de Garde - by Correspondence

Hi all,

This is something that has been discussed on AHB for the last few weeks. Basically, we agree on a recipe that we each brew on our own systems and ferment. We will then compare at our next meeting and see how different they all are.

We have voted and the winning style is 'Bière de Garde'.

BJCP describes this style as: "A fairly strong, malt-accentuated, lagered artisanal beer with a range of malt flavors appropriate for the color. All are malty yet dry, with clean flavors and a smooth character."

Over the next few days, we should have decided on the recipe and the rough bottle date. The closer everyone bottles their beer, the less variation there will be in the aging and the differences in each persons process will be easier to pick out.

I will update this post with the recipe when it is decided.

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